ZigaForm version 7.4.8

A key trait in any good business owner will be vigilance and the ability to spot opportunities to grow his venture.  I believe myself to have that trait and I pride myself on always being in search of something that can be of great benefit, not only to my business, but to the business owners who’s interests I look after.

I am currently in negotiations with a company based in Bellville.  The end result should be of great benefit to all.  If all goes well the price at which Pastel software is supplied to our customers will be drastically reduced.  The other benefit would be that every AGBS client will have access to top notch integrations specialists, POS (point of sale) solutions, module supplies, etc.

Our Pastel support structure, at this moment, consisted of after sales service, trouble shooting and one-on-one training which worked well for us the past.  But with a consistently changing business and business environments out there it became apparent over the last few months that clients needed more, and AGBS is about to deliver.

Keep your eyes peeled on www.agbussol.co.za for more information in this regard over the next few weeks.